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African Teacher Joke

“ My school teacher taught me most of the lies I tell
today. She would tell me to write a letter to my uncle
abroad when she knows my uncle is in the village”.

When was the last time you had a really good laugh from the pit of your stomach? This
takes letting go of your inhibitions and just indulging in the laughter. There’s a certain
freedom in belly aching laughter.
Laughter is FREE and one of life’s greatest gifts. It makes our complex and often
confusing existence decidedly more tolerable. It’s so satisfying when you laugh until
your stomach hurts. And because laughter is contagious, there’s an inexplicable power
in sharing laughter with others, and even with complete strangers. Laughter is a
universal language.
The great thing also is that the benefits of laughter are instantaneous. You don’t need to
‘wait’ for anything, anyone or for it to show up in you like a workout at the gym or
exercise class.
There’s a great deal of evidence that shows laughing improves both our mental and
physical health. For example, research shows laughter activates the release of happy
hormones when it comes to happiness mainly Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins and
Oxytocin. These affect your entire body and work towards stabilizing mood, feelings of
well-being, and happiness.
So, laughter not only reinforces social bonds, it’s essential to our survival. When life
gets tough, laughter is often the only thing that makes us feel better. Laughter sets the
spirit free – doesn’t matter how ‘you look’ when cracked up with laughter, even in even
the most tragic circumstances.

It helps us shake our heads clear, get our feet back under us and restore our sense of
balance. Humor is integral to our peace of mind and our ability to go beyond survival. It
gives us strength, both spiritually and mentally.
Oftentimes, we take life so seriously that we forget that we need something to lift us up,
that doesn’t demand anything of us – like laughter! We should laugh at the absurdity of
it all and revel in both our positive and negative characteristics — they’re what make us
Life is a series of ups and downs. We can’t allow negativity to take over; we have to
fight against it, and laughter is one of our most powerful tools in this endeavor.
Here’s an ‘African joke’ that I found quite funny from a website. Have a good laugh.
Sometimes the funniest things can be the things you encounter every day.

You know you are African when….

<h4 class="item-title">Shibero Akatsa</h4>

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