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Why Perfectionism Is a Weakness Not a Strength

Are you someone who always strives for perfection in every aspect of your life? Do you set sky-high standards for yourself and feel a constant need to achieve flawlessness? Well, let’s dive into what drives your pursuit of perfection and why you, as a perfectionist, are more prone to experiencing Impostor Syndrome.

The Perfectionist’s Mindset

You hold yourself to exceptionally high unrealistic standards because you believe that your self-worth depends on your accomplishments and the approval of others. Those lofty goals you set for yourself can sometimes become overwhelming, leading to a never-ending cycle of self-criticism and doubt.

Why Perfectionists Are Vulnerable to Impostor Syndrome

The Impostor Syndrome, with its persistent feelings of inadequacy and fear of being exposed as a fraud, tends to affect perfectionists like you even more profoundly. Here’s why:

Fear of Failure: You fear failure intensely because you tie any misstep or deviation from your high standards to your self-worth. Not meeting your own or others’ expectations create immense anxiety and reinforces the belief that you’re an impostor.

Overemphasizing Criticism: You tend to take criticism to heart, even if it’s meant to be constructive. You internalize negative feedback as a sign of incompetence rather than an opportunity for growth. This further strengthens your belief that you’re an impostor in your field.

Unrealistic Standards: You set impossibly high standards for yourself, making it hard to acknowledge your achievements genuinely. You dismiss your accomplishments as mere luck or timing, intensifying your feelings of fraudulence.

Constant Comparisons: You often compare yourself to others, especially those you see as successful. When you perceive yourself as falling short in comparison, it reinforces the belief that you don’t deserve your achievements.

Validation-Seeking Behavior: You seek validation from external sources, such as praise, awards, or recognition. However, this constant need for validation becomes a double-edged sword, as it perpetuates the idea that your accomplishments aren’t genuinely earned.

Navigating Your Journey as a Perfectionist

Understanding what drives your perfectionism and its connection to Impostor Syndrome is key to finding a healthier balance. Here are some strategies to help you overcome self-doubt and embrace your journey:

  1. Redefine Success: Shift your perspective on success and realize that it’s not solely about being flawless. Embrace the idea that true success involves growth, resilience, and learning from mistakes.
  2. Embrace Growth Mindset: Cultivate a growth mindset that sees imperfections as opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace the fact that mistakes are stepping stones toward improvement and personal development.
  3. Celebrate Your Progress: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Break down your goals into achievable milestones, and recognize each step forward as a valuable accomplishment.
  4. Be Kind to Yourself: Practice self-compassion and treat yourself with kindness and understanding. Remember that nobody is perfect, including you. Show yourself empathy and kindness when facing setbacks or challenges.
  5. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a support system of trusted individuals who understand your drive for perfection. Share your experiences, fears, and doubts with them, and seek their guidance and reassurance when needed.
  6. Set Realistic Expectations: Aim for excellence, but set realistic expectations for yourself. Avoid setting standards that are impossible to meet and will only lead to frustration and self-doubt.
  7. Find Intrinsic Motivation: Shift your focus from external validation to intrinsic motivation. Discover joy and fulfillment in the process and the journey itself, rather than relying solely on external approval.

By understanding the underlying drivers of your perfectionism and implementing these strategies, you can navigate your journey with more self-compassion, embrace growth, and mitigate the impact of Impostor Syndrome. Remember, the pursuit of excellence should be a fulfilling and enriching experience rather than a constant source of self-doubt.


As a former perfectionist plagued by Impostor Syndrome, I can attest to the power of overcoming self-doubt and embracing imperfection. By understanding the underlying causes and implementing strategies to counter negative thought patterns, we can reclaim our self-worth and confidently acknowledge our achievements. Remember, true success is not measured by flawlessness but by the growth, learning, and impact we bring to the world. So let’s break free from the shackles of perfectionism and step into our authentic selves. Together, we can conquer Impostor Syndrome and thrive.


Perfectionism stems from early years.

If perfectionism is affecting your personal relationships and management of your teams at work, do contact us for psychological therapy send us an email at:

info @shibero.com

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